Dacus تأثير بعض العوامل الاحيائيو والكيميائيو في مكافحة ذبابة القرعيات الكبرى على نبات البطيخ في ) Diptera : Tephritidae ( Iongistylus (Wiedeman) البصره
Influence of Biological and Chemical Factors in big cucumber fly Dacus lonigistylus(wideman) (Tephritidae : Diptera )on melons plant in some Areas of the province of Basrah
This study was aimed to evalute the efficiency of Biological control agents Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis and 10% Diazinon lnsecticide to Control the big Cucumber fly Dacus lonigstylus on melon plant. The
result showed that the effect of treatment Diazinon 10 %+ B.t + B.b , Diazinon 10 % + B.b , Diazinon 10 % + B.t, Diazinon 10 % ) gave high mortality of pupae that reach 100 % comparing with other treatment in the lab . The result showed also significant different between the treatment of Bacteria and Fungal suspension on the adult insects in lab.
the percentage of infaction where 73.33 و 63.33% respectively during 48 hrs, while there is no significant difference between them in the farm which there percentage of the infection will %13.3و% 10. While the treatment B.t + B.b +Diazinon , B.t + Diazinon , B.b +Diazinon , Diazinon and B.t + B.b gave less lnfection rate that reach 3.3 , 3.3, 3.3 , 6.7 and 10 % respectively comparing with 26.7 % of control treaement in the farm.
Copyright (c) 2019 University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science

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