لبعض المضائف الوسطية في محافظة ذي قار Echinococcusis دراسة وبائية لداء المشوكات الحبيبية
The present study designated to throw more light on the prevalence of Echinococcosis slughter livestock animals at Thi-Qar abattior.The samples of the animals were 566 cases .It was found that 76 animals which were infected with hydatid disease including (31 cattles, 20 sheeps, 10 camels, 8 goats and 7 buffaloes). The cattle were higlly infected (20.67% ) while the lowest infection was in buffaloes ( 7.96% ) .It also concluded that the among females was 56.58% which was higher than the males 43.42% .It was also noted that percentage infection with hydatid disease was increased with the increase of the animals age.
The percentage was highest among animals in age 4 years or older 19.49% and the lowest was 8.18% among those less than 2 years old.
The present study show that liver was the higly infected organ (14.02%) follwed by lungs (12.23%).It included infection percentage according to seasonal variation. The highest infection percentage was 23.50% in Winter and lowest 1.10% in Summer
Copyright (c) 2019 University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science

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How to Cite
عيسى البدران ع. ., عباس العبادي ف. ., & سعدون الغزي ز. . (2010). لبعض المضائف الوسطية في محافظة ذي قار Echinococcusis دراسة وبائية لداء المشوكات الحبيبية . University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science, 2(3), 102-114. https://jsci.utq.edu.iq/index.php/main/article/view/497