مضادات الاكسده الانزيميه لمتلازمة اجهاد التاكسد عند مرضى ارتفاع ضغط الدم
This study was designed to investigate the effect of the hypertension
duration on the enzymatic antioxidants (SOD,Catalase) in hypertensive
patients .The study was performed on 85 hypertensive patients (38 male
,47 female ),compared to 75 healthy subjects (37 male ,38 female )were
investigated as a control group .
The study showed a significant increase in specific activity of
antioxidant enzymes ;SOD and catalase compared to healthy subjects
.While there was a significant decrease in specific activity of these
enzymes as the hypertension duration increased .A positive correlation
between SOD activity and atherogenic index was also shown .
Copyright (c) 2019 University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science

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