Concentration of some trace elements in falling particulate and soil in vicinity region of Bricks factories in Al-Nassiriya city.


  • Alaa Al-Asadi


The present study aimed to determine the concentration of 4 trace elements (Pb,Cd,Cu
and Ni) in the falling particulate and soil in Vicinity region of brick factories in Al-Islah
district in Thi-Qar governorate , during the period from Autumn 2009 until Summer 2010 .
Samples were collected from six stations, three station with the wind direction and the other
in opposite region, while the seventh station was chousion in right on the wind direction
about 3 Km for from the brick factories. The results were showed regional and seasonal
variations in the concentration of the mentioned metals in both types of samples. The means
annual concentrations of (Pb,Cd,Cu and Ni) in particulate were (111.76,4.14,24.98 and
82.43) μg/gm dry weight respectively , while their mean annual concentration in soil were
(245.38,6.92,61.30 and 131.17) μg/gm dry weight respectively . Low mean annual
concentrations were recorded in station 7 (reference station) there are
(34.31,2.21,19.41,27,2)μg/gm dry weight respectively.
The study showed that particulate matter and soil in the study area recorded higher
concentration from the studied elements, while the reference station was recorded lower
values for all metals under the study. Significant correlations were observed between metals
concentrations in particulate and soil .In conclusion the effluents of bricks factories
contribute clearly in supporting the soil by the studied metal through the precipitate
particulate, because of the operation of these factories was by heavy fuel. Also in despite of
the higher concentration of the metals under the study, but their concentration were in
acceptable range , when they compared with the other studies ells where.







How to Cite

Al-Asadi , A. (2011). Concentration of some trace elements in falling particulate and soil in vicinity region of Bricks factories in Al-Nassiriya city . University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science, 3(1), 76-88.