التحري عن المستوى الجرثومي وعلاقتة بمستوى الكاربون العضوي
The study was carry out for detection the microbial contamination in waters and sediments
of Abu-Zariq Marsh at Al-Nassiriyah city southeren of Iraq. From March 2009 to Auguest 2010
three stations have been were taken bacterial account such as: Total coliform (Tc), Fecal
colifirm (Fc), Fecal enterococci (Fe), and their relationship with the presence of pathogenic
bacteria (Salmonella). Also in order determe the total organic carbon in sediments (TOC%) and
its relationship with microbial indicators. The resultes appeared high of level of contamination
in second station during Winter and Autum and lowest level in thired station. Total coliform
ranged between 1700 and 5400 cell/100ml, Fecal coliform ranged between 1500 and 4500
cell/100ml , Fecal enterococci ranged between 4000 and 15000cell/100 ml. and Salmonella spp.
were isolated from 7 (58.3%) out of 12 water samples and 100% from sediments ,Total organic
carbon in sediment was 1.9% in the second station during Spring,whereas the lowest range was
0.72% in the first station during Autum, whith presence of positive correlation with numbers of
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