Effect of soil texture and water application rate on water movement in soil profile under trickle irrigation
the study was conducted to know the effect of water application rate (R) and soil texture (S)
on vertically and horizontally movement of water in the soil profile under triclcle irrigation
two type of soil texture (S1 sandy Loam, S2 Loamy soil ) and three water application rate
(R1=0.5 L/h, R2=1.0 L/h and R3= 1.5 L/h) was used.The used soil was in plastic container(
80*80)cm with plexiglass in one side of container to show the vertically movement of
water clearly . The results were showed that the horizontal wet front increases with
increasing the water application rate in the Loam soil as compard with sandy loam soil , but
the vertically distance of wet front at the sandy loam was more than the same distance at the
loam soil . The Philip (1958) one and two term equation used to fit the experimental data of
wet front distance with time.Emperical equation that describe this movement were also used
for the all treatment.
Copyright (c) 2019 University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science

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