Some of Hematclogical and Biochemical Parameters of Children Infected with Anemia in Samawa City
Anemia spreads a widely in many countries in the world particularly the poorand developing countries . Iraq is one of these countries and many of children suffer
from bad environmental health , and economic conditions . Samples of blood collected
from patients infected with anemia in the hospital of children and delivery in
samawah city . Hematological and biochemical parameters were determined ,
hematological parameters included packed cell volume , hemoglobin concentration ,
total white blood cells count while biochemical parameters included glucose ,
cholesterol , billrubin and urea concentrations were measured .
Results showed High significant increase (P<0.01) in the number of children
infected with iron deficiency anemia in comparison with other types of anemia , so
number of children infected with sickle cell anemia and hemolytic anemia . Also there
was high significant decrease (p<0.01) in hemoglobin concentration and packed cell
volume in all types of anemia in comparison with a control group Glucose and
bilirubin increased significantly (p<0.01). Total white blood count increased
significantly (p<0.01) in patients with thallasemia . sickle cell anemia and hemolytic
anemia compared with patients with iron deficiency anemia and a control group .
Total serum cholesterol high significant decreased (p<0.01) in all types of anemia
compared with a control group . Results showed there were non significant differences
in urea levels in all types of anemia compared with a control group.
Copyright (c) 2019 University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Resan Ibraheem, I. (2009). Some of Hematclogical and Biochemical Parameters of Children Infected with Anemia in Samawa City. University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science, 1(4), 9-18.