An Effect entomopathogenic fungi in control Culex pipiens
Culex pipiens, Beauveruia bassiana, Trichoderma harizanium, entomopathogenic fungi.Abstract
Culex pipiens mosquitos are thought to be vectors for many arboviruses, including West Nile virus and encephalitis virus, which have a global impact on human health. The natural management of this pest's aquatic stages is critical for sustaining an insecticide-free environment. The current study focused on the biological and biochemical effects of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma harizanium on Culex pipiens laboratory colony 3rd instar larvae. The results showed that B. bassiana had the highest larval mortality (22%) with the concentration 1x106 spore/ml and the period exposure recorded (36.6% )shortest lethal time (120 hrs), followed by T. harizanium (17.3%) with concentration 1x107 spore/ml and the period exposure recorded (29.1%) shortest lethal time (120 hrs), and had the lowest percent mortality (16%) with the concentration 1x103 spore/ml and period exposure with (6%) longest (24 hrs) for B. bassiana and had the lowest percent mortality (4%) with the concentration 1x103 spore/ml for T. harizanium and period exposure with 24 hrs (12.5%).
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