Evaluation of Demographic Characteristics and Biochemical Parameters with Echovirus Infection in Children at Thi-Qar Province/Iraq


  • Dalal K. Al Mousawi
  • Bushra J. Hamad




Echovirus, Children, Demographic, Biochemical parameter, Thi-Qar


The current study was conducted in Thi-Qar province, with One hundred blood specimens were collected from patients in Mohammed Al-Mousawi Hospital for Children (ages between 2 days - 3 years, males and females), at the period between November 2021 to February 2022.This study aimed to revealed the relationship between different characteristics (sex, age and clinical symptoms) with viral infections , and diagnosis by WBC COUNT, platelet and C-reactive protein for each patients. Based on the results recorded among 100 children have different disease, but only, 9% of patients were infected with the Echovirus, and 91% were negative for viral infection, the results also noted a significant difference in viral prevalence in children at p. value < 0.05. Results also noted a non-significant difference according to children’ gender at p. value < 0.05. Most children infected with Echovirus was in 6-8 and 8-10 month 25%, while the age groups (3day-< 2 month), (2 - < 4 month), (12 - < 14 month), and (14 - < 16 month), were non-infected with Echovirus. The results also noted a significant difference according to age groups at p. value < 0.05. The results of present study showed that CRP and WBC count were increase, while the platelet count was low or normal in children








How to Cite

Evaluation of Demographic Characteristics and Biochemical Parameters with Echovirus Infection in Children at Thi-Qar Province/Iraq. (2022). University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science, 9(1), 77-82. https://doi.org/10.32792/utq/utjsci.v9i1.883