Effect of Saturable Absorber Length on Characteristics of Dual Laser Pulses of Passive Q-Switched
Laser, high Power Pulses, Passive Q-switching, solid-state laserAbstract
The effect of saturable absorber material length on the characteristics of the dual passive Q-switching pulses generated from two wavelengths ( and ) instead of single wavelength was simulated. Numerical solution of our previous rate equations model using Rung-Kutta-Fahelberg method has been utilized in simulation. Nd+3 :YAG using as an active medium, and Cr+4:YAG as a saturable absorber material. The results showed that the Nd+3:YAG dual passive Q-switching generated or released at an advanced(earlier) time and characterized by short duration times, high energy and high power with the increasing in the value of . The passive Q-switching for , are released respectively at time 58ns, 60 ns approximately at , while released at time 34 ns, 36 ns respectively approximately at . The duration time of , pulses approximate to 16.8ns, 14.6 ns respectively at , while approximate to 10.8 ns ,9.2 ns respectively at .
Received: 2023-12-17
Revised: 2024-01-21
Accepted: 2024-01-24
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