Medical Ozone Treatment Alleviate Blood Oxidative Stress And Pancreas Damage In an Alloxan-Induced Diabetes Model in Rats
Ozone Treatment Alleviate Blood Oxidative StressAbstract
Diabetic mellitus (DM ) is a prevalent systemic disease affecting a human and animals. The effects of diabetes are devastating and well documented. The increased production and/or ineffective scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may play a critical role in the development of diabetic complications. Therefore, it seems reasonable that antioxidants can play an important role in the improvement of diabetes. So, use medical ozone to study if it can regulate the oxidative complications of DM .The study was carried out on forty eight albino females rats included six groups Group I (Control) : 8 female rats were injected IP with citrate buffer (0.1 M, pH 5) daily for 6 weeks ,Group II (MO ): 8 female rats were injected IP 1.1 mg/kg b.w of MO daily for 6 weeks ,Group III (DM): 8 female rats induce diabetes by injection IP with freshly prepared alloxan 150 mg/kg b.w in citrate buffer (pH 5), Group IV(DM+MO): 8 diabetic female rats were injected IP 1.1 mg/kg b.w of MO daily for 6 weeks, group V(DM + Insulin): 8 diabetic female rats were injected subcutaneously 0.75 IU/100 g b.w. of Insulin daily for 6 weeks ,Group VI(DM +MO +Insulin):8diabetic female rats were injected IP 1.1 mg/kg b.w of MO and Insulin injected subcutaneously at a dose of 0.75 IU/100 g b.w , respectively daily for 6 weeks. experimental study parameters include antioxidant enzymes assay and histology the study for pancreas.
Received: 2023-03-28
Revised: 2023-08-28
Accepted: 2023-06-24
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