A novel Account of Flooding Devastation and Consequences in Kogi State, Nigeria
farm products, buildings, road transport, economy, governmentAbstract
The study investigated the Impact of flooding in Kogi state community in Nigeria. The motive behind the research was ignited by the hardship and adverse conditions faced by the community as par the flood in Kogi state. In line with this, a structured questionnaire was utilized for interviewing 300 people who are residents of the affected state. The validation of the instrument was done through peer review and pilot testing. Data was collected and summary done. In the same vein they were computed using frequency, percentages and Linkert scaling test. The results from the analysis indicated that 94% of the respondents agreed that flooding destroyed their livestock and farm products, blocked their roads, submerged their buildings and rendered many homeless. It affected daily road transportation, businesses were distorted, thereby impacting negatively on their economy. However, it is recommended that government should assist the victims of this flooding by providing them with relief materials, an alerting device, Internally Displaced People
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