تاثير مساحيق اوراق بعض النباتات في الاداء الحياتي لخنفساء الدقيق الصدئية الحمراء


  • IMAN M. AL-FARHANI Basrah university / Collage of Agriculture /Plant Protection
  • JINAN M. KHlif. Basrah university /Collage of Agriculture / Plant Protection


The study deals with the effect of leaves powders of Nicotiana tabacum ,Nerium oleander ,
Zizphusspina-christi , Vitex agnus-castus, Lantana camara , Myrtus communis , Clerodendron
inerum and Eucalptus globules on the mortality reduction in F1progeny and repellency of leaves
powders on the red flour beetle . This results showed that when we mixed the leaves powders
with crushed wheat grains in amounts of 4, 2,1, and 0.5 % weight by weight , the mortalities
increased with increasing mount .The leaves powders of N. tabacum ,Z. christi and C. inerium
was the best effected the mortality of the adults after 7 days it 97.5 ,71.77 , 68.33% respectively .
The losses of percentage rate in the weight grains was revesaly proprotioed with mount of powder
was the best mount 4 % reduced in the weight and also mixed leaves powder with0.92 % grains
through 30 days reached food reducing F1 progeny , the best effected was L .camara it reached
95.12 % and producted rate reached 1.46% . The results showed that leaves powder of M
communis was the best effected of response index reached - 0.1at all amounts 4 % and 2 % after
24 hours . The result showed was not effected the plants powdered of leaves in the percentag of
germination of wheat grains treatment .







How to Cite

تاثير مساحيق اوراق بعض النباتات في الاداء الحياتي لخنفساء الدقيق الصدئية الحمراء. (2009). University of Thi-Qar Journal of Science, 1(3), 18-30. http://jsci.utq.edu.iq/index.php/main/article/view/176